Poll results

Hhey everyone, sorry for the delay. Yesterday I went somewhere and I had completely forgotten about the weekly poll. o_Oย  Anyways,

about 33%ย  of you people liked Fashion outfits and any other stuff,

and about 17%ย  liked the Igloos and the games,polls, etc.

and 0% of you people liked Featuring of other penguins.

and for the other, 1 person put this answer- EVERYTHING! and another- anything ๐Ÿ˜‰ I wonder who..

Anyways, this week’s poll-

-The 8 in the S ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Poll Results

Sorry about the lateness, but at least I’m still getting it up. ย The question was What are you looking forward to the most at the Puffle party.

About half you said the new puffle park.

About a fourth of you said the cat and dog puffles.

And about the last fourth said the costumes and outfits.

Here’s the new poll

What do you think?

-Waddles26813 ๐Ÿ˜‰


Weekly Poll Results!

It’s saturday, so it’s time for a new poll! Let’s go over the results first. The question was Did you see Muppets: Most Wanted?

Half of you are going to see it soon. (4 votes)

A quarter of you loved it and need to watch it 48290 more times! (2 votes)

And the last fourth says: Nah, I don’t want to. 25% (2 votes)

Time for a new poll:


Weekly Poll Results!

Last week, I introduced a new feature: The Weekly Poll! Let’s check last week’s results, for the question “What’s your favorite part about the fair?”

Screen Shot 2014-03-08 at 11.49.32 AM


One third liked the rides the best, one third liked the games and prizes the best, and the final third liked meeting rookie the best. So it’s a tie. This week’s poll:

-Waddles26813 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Waddle’s Prehistoric Adventure (Part 2)

Click here for the first part.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading! Sixty five million years ago was the destruction of the dinosaur age! All of the cave-guins and dinosaurs must have been hiding. Without any power to leave the past, I was going to be destroyed unless I got some power source to get the trekker going. First, I checked over by the volcano to see how much time I had left.Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 4.44.39 PM

The lava was rising, I didn’t have much time. ย I thought about how to generate power. I could’t think of anything. I headed back to the time trekker and opened the history book back up where I had last read it. I looked at the pictures scientists had drawn predicting where the lava went. I went to sit down, but I didn’t notice that there was something on the seat. “Ow!” I exclaimed, I looked at what I sat on. A roll of wire. It gave me an idea. I picked up the wire and book and headed towards the volcano. I rolled one end of wire around a part of the volcano. Then I continued placing wire.Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 4.45.41 PM

I was planning to power to time trekker with firepower from the eruption. I used the book to predict where the fire would be. But at the stony plaza, I was running out of wire. Iย heard a rumble from the volcano. I wan’t just running out of wire, I was running out of time.

Part 3 (The conclusion) coming soon

-Waddles26813 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Fashion Show!

Hi, so I had a fashion show at my iggy, and I decided I’ll post about it for some random reason.

I will now name who came (no rhyme intended)

Cherrymay, Sweety3400,Blue Penny77, Kennyg19, Serenalise, Lily93384, Madison872, Yo Dog26, Mackgirl, Candii445, Henry47468,Squeaky40435,Mcqueen1018, Gibbypizza,Xm1661, Rose98326, Purpie2002,Speed1999, Explosion8,Rolltide2706, Janaenoel, and Cathacata.

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 10.19.37 AM Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 10.17.15 AMย I’ll throw another one of these parties again and put some notice on the blog probably. Thanks for coming to anyone who came.

-Waddles26813 ๐Ÿ˜‰